Together, we can

defend strengthen protect grow our democracy

Donald Trump and his allies are engaged in an ongoing plot to sabotage our elections and take away our freedom to vote. Americans have to stop them.

The Defend Democracy Project has one objective: that American voters determine the outcome of elections.

Refusing to accept their 2020 election losses, Trump and his allies spread lies and cheered on a violent attack on our country to try to overturn the results of the election. Today, the same people are hard at work laying the groundwork to override our votes in future elections so they can put themselves in power regardless of the outcome of an election. But presented with rigorous investigations and public scrutiny into these ongoing threats to free and fair elections, Americans will fight back and push for accountability. The Defend Democracy Project will work with leading organizations, noted experts, and critical validators to make sure this plot to overturn elections can’t go forward under the cover of darkness.

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